Moving Forward

If you are named or nominated to be the executor of the estate at hand now the real work and journey begin. Let me preface this with: I am not a lawyer and do not claim to be. Please take any information to be a substitute for legal advice. All situations and all estates are …


Both my grandparents were in hospice care when they died. My grandfather and grandmother had a car accident  a couple of years ago and they went to the hospital for an exam.  They found Cancer in my grandfathers bones.  I didn’t know this until I got a call from the hospice coordinator and was shocked …

When a Loved One Dies

Up until the time I got married at age 36 I had not been to a funeral.  None of my close family members had died up until this point.  Well, no one I was close to.  Sure there was Uncle Harry and Philip but I was not close to them. My first funeral was my …

What do I dream about?

I dream about visiting London, Liverpool and Dublin. I dream if returning to Germany and spending more time in a few cities and also visiting Austria. I dream about returning to Rome and Venice. I dream of living my life without fear. I dream of visiting far away friends more often and really reconnecting with …