Wednesday Night was Horrible!

Wednesday night was awful! I was fine when I got to work in the afternoon but by the time I was done with my first Med pass I was feeling very hot, had a headache in the center of my forehead and right side of my head and I sat down to chart. Was nearly done charting when I started to feel nauseous. I decided I needed to eat. I text my co worker saying I had a headache and felt nauseous and was going to eat.

I spent my lunch half hour sitting in front of my food, sipping a coke and ate a few pretzels. But mostly with my head in my hands and my ice pack on my forehead. I couldn’t eat my lunch. I actually used the bathroom near the break room which I never do because it’s not the cleanest place.

I clocked back in to work and still felt awful. I started my second round of Med pass and got a couple of people done before I hit the bathroom and vomited three times. I washed my hands and went back to my work area. I felt better and the headache lessened for about 10 minutes. Then it came back. I managed to finished my first part of my Med pass before returning to the bathroom. I came out of the bathroom and met up with the co worker that I text earlier. She said I looked white as a sheet. I weakly joked that I felt green.

Finally while I was waiting for my last patient in that hall to come out of the bathroom I sat down and finally told my supervisor I had to go home. I gave her my report sheet and left.

I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes and left with the air running full blast on my face to stave off how hot I felt and nausea. I drove slowly but had to pull over in a parking lot probably 3000 feet from my job to purge my stomach again. I managed to make it home after that.

Hubby put me to bed immediately. I sipped a sprite before managing to go to sleep.

If I had to guess what caused this I would say I’m not sure but I have a few ideas.

  1. Reaction from the flu shot I got on Tuesday. (Never have had a reaction before, however.)
  2. The three land o lakes cheese cheese rectangles I had on the way to work.
  3. Those candy pumpkins I ate at the beginning of shift.
  4. The constant change in temperature at work from room to room and area to area
  5. Viral Gastroenteritis

The next day my stomach was fragile, but no more vomiting  so I went to work.  I learned later that another one of my co-workers was sick and another one was throwing up the same night I went home early.

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