Exam 2

  So I took that exam 2 for Maternal Child Health exam today.  It was heinous!  Worst test I’ve taken in recent memory. I know that I messed up on the acyanotic heart defects.  However someone gave me a little tip for the CYANOTIC heart defects.  The Three T’s for cyanotic: Tetrology of Fallot, Truncus …


Both this weeks and next weeks assignments for school are done and turned in.  The first assignment was writing 4 NCLEX -RN style questions to turn in.  They had to be good so I hope they are.  I would post them but someone might use them and then there might be trouble.  The second assignment …


 Infertilility affects so many women these days.  I decided to educate myself a little bit.  Here is what I found out. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)  Luteinizing Hormone is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland in response to  stimulation by gonadotropin releasing hormone, the same hypothalamic releasing factor that stimulates follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) release. LH affects gonadal …