My HESI achievement exam was today. I rose early so I could drive in with my computer and my HESI book and sit in the library and review mental health and the HESI book. I ended up getting a sandwich. (turkey and cheese wrap) and setting up shop in the very back of the library where it was quiet. I did the two practice exams over again and really kind of reviewed what I didn’t know off the exams and reviewed some normal values and stuff.

I really found some of the mental health to be confusing all the disorders and the “what should the nurse do?” in this situation. Some of it really goes against common sense. Mental health is not as fun from a nursing standpoint as it was when I was learned from a non-nursing standpoint in psychology classes.

So waiting for a nursing exam is really a different kind of anxiety. My friend once told me that when she took her dental hygiene boards she told me that one girl jumped off a hotel room balcony while she waited to take the test. While I didn’t feel like that I can certainly understand the anxiety. My anxiety was not of the hyperventilation type but really just the butterflies in the stomach, wanna throw up variety of anxiety. I was very nervous. I was confused by the grading structure, what I saw on my grades page online and I thought I wasn’t doing well, even though I got 100’s on all but one of my discussion board posts and on my IPR and AA paper. The teacher made it sound like if your test grades determine whether you pass or not. But there was so much other work that I can’t believe that.

I ended up with an 85. something on the HESI exam. I am thrilled, I have to say. I was so nervous. So my final grade ended up being 87.95% which is only a B. But, lol, B is the new A. 🙂

I am sad to say that a a few of us didn’t make it to move on to next semester. All of them were people i assumed would go on to the next semester with us. I miss many of them already. I know i will miss them even more when the new semester starts. I feel really sad about it because we all worked so hard to get through it and now we are losing some classmates. 🙁

So I have survived another semester of nursing school. I am so thankful for Christmas break!! I am ready to chill (and I picked up an extra shift at work) Now I can catch up on Christmas stuff, cards, baking mailing of gifts etc.

To my fellow nursing students, enjoy your break!!

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