
I am delighted to see that my blog is still here. I thought my URL had run out but I am so happy to see it hasn’t. I’ve made some changes to the categories and deleted some stuff and added a new article about kitchen sponges and how dirty they are. Hope you enjoy it. I encourage you to sign up for my Norwex news letter for advance notice of sales and specials. You can find it on the home page under “Health and Beauty Newsletter.” I’d love to have you!

You will see a lot of information about LimeLife (or Limelight as it were) products. I gave up selling this a couple of weeks ago. So you won’t see anymore articles about that. I am still using limeLife and will buy from another consultant (I can refer you to her if you like.) my must have products. Bamboo Renew is a favorite.

I’ve started using Origins and I love it. Do you use Origins? If so comment below and tell me what your favorite origins product is. I’d love to hear from you!

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