Did you Know? Kitchen Sponges Edition

Kitchen Sponges are breeding grounds and reservoirs for bacteria.  They are wet and warm  There have been 362 different types of bacteria  found in kitchen sponges, according to an NPR reported study.   And the density of that bacteria is 45 million per square centimeter.  That’s as much as can be found in your toilet in your home.  Scary isn’t it?

I have read many articles that suggest throwing your sponge in the diswasher (I’ve done this) or periodically microwaving your sponge (which I have also done.)

A team of researchers in Germany discovered that cleaning sponges by putting them in the microwave or even boiling them in water were ineffective in reducing their bacterial load. In fact, regularly cleaned sponges weren’t any cleaner than those that were never cleaned.

Many bacteria are not harmful but there are many that are. kitchen sponges not only act as a reservoir of microorganisms but also as disseminators over domestic surfaces, which can lead to cross-contamination of hands and food, which is considered a main cause of foodborne disease outbreaks.”

Microwaving kills about 60% of the bacteria in your kitchen sponge.  However it can also cause  some bacteria may even multiply after cleaning the sponge because the resistant strains recolonize.  Microorganisms like e. Coli and Salmonella can live on your sponges and surfaces.

There are solutions however.

  1. Replace your sponges frequently.   This goes without saying.
  2. Keep your sponges away from Raw meat.  If you’re dealing with raw juices from meat or poultry, you should be using paper that can be disposed of.
  3. Don’t clean your counters with a sponge used for wiping up food.
  4.  Discover Norwex Sponges and cloths.

I just happen to be a Norwex Independent consultant.  A while back after getting a couple of mystery rashes I tried to cut down on the number of chemicals I used in my home.  I did not know what caused my rashes but i never had them again after cutting out many of the chemicals I used before.  Discover Norwex now.

You can even Clean up raw chicken with Norwex, thanks to BacLock technology.  Watch this Raw chicken clean up video.  You’ll be amazed.

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