Buddy update 1-27-13

We got a call from our vet the other day. Buddy’s white blood cells (WBC) have dipped. He is still within normal limits but his WBC’s have dropped to 4400. Low limit is 4000. This is apparently an expected Palladia associated dip in WBC’s in the first few weeks of treatment. We will continue to …

Buddy Barfs

  Buddy threw up this morning at around 0600 according to my husband. I was not privy to this event because I was asleep. I do not think that it had anything to do with the medication because it was a full 15 hours since he took it. We called the vet and she said …

Buddy’s Journey through Cancer

My little Rat Terrier Buddy was diagnosed with Cancer of the anal gland shortly after Thanksgiving this year.  We boarded our dogs at the vet clinic where our dogs receive their veterinary care over Thanksgiving and they noticed that he was having difficulty pooping in the exercise yard.  So they biopsied the anal gland and sent it …