Obama Birth Control Compromise Announced [UPDATE]

Obama Birth Control Compromise Announced [UPDATE].

Here is what burns my ass about this situation.  Religious groups and Catholic law makers are up in arms about the legislation about the mandatory coverage for contraceptives with no co-pay.  Oh no, you can’t make us cover it, it’s morally wrong.  It’s an attack on religious freedom.  Blah blah blah.

Why is is an a gigantic issue  for legislating that birth control be covered (and at no copay even) by every employer even faith based ones?  Is it because it makes the temptation too great for women of the catholic faith to get birth control?  Can women not make their own decisions?  If we (not specifically me) are convicted to our faith (in this case Catholicism), this should not be a problem.

On the other hand, it’s okay for these pious legislators (most of them men) and religious  leaders to want abortion to be illegal?  Because it goes against their religious beliefs?  Women can’t make their own decisions?  Are we stupid? Uneducated? Unable to make an informed decision about what it right for us and OUR bodies?

Why do men think they can legislate someone else’s morality?

You can’t have it both ways.

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