My classmate and I went to an AA meeting tonight.  Yep, alcoholics anonymous.  It was for school.  They sent us so we can hear their journeys, struggles, and how they became alcoholics.  There were all kinds there.  Since it is anonymous I can’t divulge  specific people or stories but let’s just say it was very enlightening and an amazing experience.  This group was very supportive of each other and had a lot of great things to say.  I heard a lot of similar threads to their stories.  One of which was “I thought I could handle a drink” after being sober for a certain period of time.  I heard that in more than one story.  They all talked about how people had been hurt by their drinking and the troubles they had as a result of their drinking.  Pretty amazing stories.  They were very welcoming to us.  After the meeting they explained some of the things they were doing during the meeting.  So that was very nice.  I thanked those I spoke to for sharing their stories.

I heard a lot of my father in their stories too…

It kind of makes me think that Al-anon may help me, the adult child of an alcoholic.

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