Walking Dead: Isolation

In this episode Rick goes ape shit Carole goes all Don Corleone. The entire prison is in isolation basically.  Baby Judith and Beth are in the room by themselves to keep from getting infected.  Glen is sick, as well as the doctor and Lizzie. They are all placed in quarantine. In our opening scene they …

Walking Dead: Infected

I think it is fairly interesting that the entire time this show has been on the air I NEVER ONCE thought about people getting sick with colds or flu or other nasty bugs. I guess I just assumed the real danger was the Walkers and the survivors killing each other. Now it seems not only …

Walking Dead Zombie Survival Class

Ever wonder how you’d fare in a zombie apocalypse? AMC, Instructure and the University of California, Irvine today announced the joint production of a massive open online course (MOOC) exploring a broad range of topics through the lens of a hypothetical zombie apocalypse. UC Irvine is hoping that a hit show about a zombie apocalypse can …

RIP James Gandolfini

I am absolutely stunned by the news of his his passing in Rome today. Reports say that he died of a massive heart attack. RIP James Gandolfini. You were an extraordinary actor and I’ve heard many times what a kind man you were in life. You will be missed. http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/19/showbiz/james-gandolfini-obituary/index.html

Princesses Long Island

I watched the Princesses Long Island show today. I am completely disgusted and embarrassed by the statements of one girl, Joey on the show. She says that a lot of girls on Long Island are part of the “lucky sperm club” Meaning that some girls are spoiled. While that is true I do not believe …

In Which We Say Goodbye

This contains spoilers about the Series Finale of Private Practice. You have been warned…………..… Season 6, Episode 13: In Which We Say Goodbye We open with Addison talking to a video camera about her being married before to the perfect man, Derrick who wasn’t perfect for her. Next scene we see her saying that she …