Possible change of plans

I was turned on to another university nursing program by a friend from work.  The program I speak of is at the University of South Florida .  They have a completely ONLINE nursing program, with NO clinicals and NO practicum.  Ding  Ding Ding!  Plus there are three different tracks you can take, leadership, education or Clinical …

Advising part deux

I had my telephone advisement session today for my BSN program.  I have no missing classes but will have an academic hold until mid November regarding registration because everyone has it. I am now locked in to the 5 semester plan.  Basically two classes a semester and am slated to graduate Summer 2014.  My first …


It is a requirement for my BSN program that we seek advisement prior to registering. In fact, a hold on registration is placed until you have met with an advisor. I opened my calendar to get an overview of my free days for the next couple of weeks and I made the phone call to …

Disco can save lives!

A co-worker of mine posted this on Facebook and I think it’s fabulous.  This guy is an actual doctor in real life not just the comedian we all know and love from The Hangover and Knocked up. Share this video with your friends!! They could save your life one day!

RNs can now prescribe birth control in California | Scrubs – The Leading Lifestyle Nursing Magazine Featuring Inspirational and Informational Nursing Articles

This is very interesting.  What do you think?   RNs can now prescribe birth control in California | Scrubs – The Leading Lifestyle Nursing Magazine Featuring Inspirational and Informational Nursing Articles. via RNs can now prescribe birth control in California | Scrubs – The Leading Lifestyle Nursing Magazine Featuring Inspirational and Informational Nursing Articles.

RN to BSN – Admitted!

I received this in my email today. Congratulations! The Admissions Committee has completed the decision process for the Class of 2014 UCF College of Nursing Undergraduate Program RN to BSN Track (Spring 13 Virtual (Web Based) Campus), and you have been selected for conditional acceptance. Please print this notification, sign and return it to the …

Beta Blockers

Beta Blocks what are they and what do they do?   “Beta-blockers are drugs that bind to beta-adrenoceptors and thereby block the binding of norepinephrine and epinephrine to these receptors. This inhibits normal sympathetic effects that act through these receptors. Therefore, beta-blockers are sympatholytic drugs. Some beta-blockers, when they bind to the beta-adrenoceptor, partially activate …

Four Reasons You Can’t get into Nursing School

As many people may not know getting into any nursing program is competitive.  Your grades have to be top notch and still that may not be enough.  I know that waiting lists are as long as two years these days, at least in my area. From: http://scrubsmag.com/4-reasons-you-cant-get-into-nursing-school/ For many people, nursing is more than just …

20 health and safety tips for frazzled nurses!

From  http://scrubsmag.com/20-health-and-safety-tips-for-frazzled-nurses As a nurse, you face a great deal of situations that can cause you and your patients harm—a daily fact that can fry your nerves! A hectic schedule that includes crazy drivers on your morning commute, a five minute lunch “break” and extra heavy patient loads, hazards to you and those around you …